Friday, April 27, 2007

I hate a post massage run!!!

Went for a run this morning around Christisen Park in Vaucluse, making sure I stayed on the grass. I just cant seem to get my sh#t together on a run that is right after a massage so I was going at around 7 min/km (I kid you not) and it felt like I was speeding. I will be doing loads of stretching on instruction from Easy Tiger today.

Just thought I would post some photo's of me from camp. The only one's I have are of myself and SWEAT buddy Sam together. The first one is of us climbing up Mt Kosciusko....

This one happens to be the recovery run that afternoon when we got yelled at by the angry neighbour... (getting across cow grids was fun when you were buggered!)

I'm not in this one but thought I would chuck in one of the hill reps up Mt Blue Cow just for dramatic effect (I think this was half way up and you cant see the bottom!). I will never whinge about Heartbreak Hill again!!


At 1:59 pm, Blogger 2P said...

Nic pics Becky.

At 5:28 pm, Blogger Lulu said...

I often feel like that after a massage too! Photos are great.


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