Monday, December 04, 2006

Taking it easy

Was scheduled to do a recovery 3km this morning, but my body decided otherwise. I slept like a baby last night, I think I woke up in the same position I fell asleep in.

Most of my body is feeling surprisingly good for having done a half. Usually I am quite sore, especially with a sore back but mostly I feel fine.

My left calf/shin is giving me a lot of trouble at the moment though. One good thing is that it is OK when I am walking around a bit it just hurts really bad when I have been stationary and get up to walk which gives me an indication that its not my actual shin bones. Phew. Have been doing lots of stretching and I will continue to ice it this afternoon. I think I'm off to see Easy Tiger on Thursday so I will need to hang on until then.

I will be missing SWEAT tomorrow as I am off to Melbourne for work for 2 days. Might be able to fit in a couple of runs around the Tan hopefully (in between shoe shopping!!).

I am desperately looking for a car to buy otherwise I will be missing out on SWEAT for a while as I wont have any way of getting there. 8km is a bit too long for a warm up.

BTW, ever since I switched to Beta Blogger I have lost my editing control panel, i.e. the one that allows you to edit text and insert images etc. If anyone knows how to fix it your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to everyone for all the congrats. I am extremely excited about doing my next 5km and 10km races as this race has given me confidence that I have a few more PB's in store.


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