Dreaded 1km reps
Monday, November 6, 2006
I was feeling really guilty about missing my long run on Sunday so I went out for a run on Monday to catch up. While I was out there I thought that it might be a little dangerous to start playing catch ups as this week will be my highest mileage week ever at 90km. I cut the run short at 14.5km as I was still feeling a little crap and it was windy. I now dont know whether to cut down a run somewhere else as this would now mean over 100km for the week (now that is scary).
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
I was extremely tired this morning and was devistated when the alarm went off. I slept in for another 10 min which meant I could only get in a 1km warm up this morning before SWEAT. We had 1km reps on the program. I usually dont really like 1km reps. I think its a mental thing as we usually have to run 200m before we even reach Sean and where the start line is for the other reps. This morning we done our reps around the outside where we usually do our fartlek sessions. I found this was marginally easier than doing it around on a track. I surprised myself this morning and ran quite well. My reps were:
I was extremely happy with my times but I was also glad it was over as the humidity, even in the mornings, has been getting to me when we have been doing the quick stuff and making me feel woozy. All up was 8km this morning.
I think it will be a short day at work today. Most people are going to the Ranwick races for the Melbourne Cup, while they are putting on a lunch (charcoal chicken and bread rolls) for the little people.
Will definately post pictures of the Puppy tonight.
Well for all the dread and the high weekly mileage (my highest ever too with 55km!!)
Your times were really consistant so thats awesome well done!
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